Keep It A Stack
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Keep It A Stack Download An Asset

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However, Authtokens are user-specific tokens generated when user logs in to Contentstack. The API key is a unique key assigned to each stack.Management Tokens are stack-level read-write tokens that allow making CMA requests without the need to provide user credentials. You can use either the stack’s Management Token or the user Authtoken, along with the stack API key, to make Content Management API requests. Get information on embedded RTE objectsContentstack provides token-based authentication that allows you to create, update, delete, and fetch the content of your Contentstack account.

This means that your personal user details are attached to every API request that you make using the authtoken. Pass the user Management Token value against the authorization parameter as headerAn Authtoken is a read-write token used to make authorized CMA requests, and it is a user-specific token. Pass the user Authtoken against the authtoken parameter as headerFor API Key and Management Token-based authentication Pass the stack’s API key against the api_key parameter as header For API Key and Authtoken-based authentication

How to Get Stack API KeyTo retrieve the stack API key, perform the steps given below: It is recommended to use these tokens for automation scripts, third-party app integrations, and for Single Sign On (SSO)-enabled organizations.Authtoken lets you make almost all the Content Management requests, while with Management Tokens, you have a few limitations ( read them here).Note: When trying out POST/PUT calls, in addition to the API Key and Authtoken / Management token, you need to mandatorily pass Content-Type:application/json in the Header. Since they are not personal tokens, no role-specific permissions are applicable to them. They can do everything that authtokens can do.

These tokens do not have an expiration time limit. This request will return the authtoken in the response body.You can generate multiple authtokens by executing the " Log in to your account" request multiple times. How to Get AuthtokenTo retrieve the authtoken, log in to your Contentstack account by using the " Log in to your account" request under " User Session".

How to Get Management TokensTo get the Management Token, perform the steps given below after logging into your Contentstack account: Only the owner of the organization and users with permission to access the organization without SSO can use the Content Management APIs. Consequently, any requests that require user authtoken will not work. If you already have valid 20 tokens, creating a new authtoken will automatically cause the oldest authtoken to expire without warning.For SSO-enabled organizations, the " Log in to your account" request will not return the user authtoken for users who access the organization through Identity Provider login credentials.

keep it a stack

Keep It A Stack Code And Their

HTTP status codeThe page or resource that is being accessed is forbidden.The requested page or resource could not be found.422* Unprocessable Entity (also includes Validation Error and Unknown Field)The request is syntactically correct but contains semantic errors. Lastly, codes in the 5xx range mean that there is something wrong with Contentstack’s servers it is very rare though.Let’s look at the error code and their meanings. The codes in the 4xx range indicate error, mainly due to information provided (for example, a required parameter or field was omitted). In general, codes in the 2xx range signify success. HeadersThe maximum number of request a client is allowed to make per second per organization.The number of requests remaining in the current time period.If there is something wrong with the API request, Contentstack returns an error.Contentstack uses conventional, standard HTTP status codes for errors, and returns a JSON body containing details about the error. These rate limits are reset at the start of each time period.

keep it a stack